Seminar: Freedom of movement as a human right in animated film (or how to use animated film to cross a border)

Animated films are often understood as colorful and funny content for children, but actually they have a strong potential to address important social and political issues. In contemporary society where we are overexposed with real documentary images, language and aesthetic of animation could help us to get closer to the viewer and share a message. Freedom of movement as a human right is an extremely important and relevant topic that needs to be discussed and we are going to explore how to discuss it using animation.
- Why are animated films such a powerful tool to address important social and political issues?
- Introduction and short examples of selected animated films.
- Mapping the situation: freedom of movement today!
- Discussion on current local/global situation related to freedom of movement.
- Case study: In approximately 30 min. program, we are going to watch selected short films related to the subject of freedom of movement. Discussion and analysis of the films.
- From personal to political: Discussion on methodologies that could help you to transfer your personal experience related to freedom of movement into a language of an animated film. Short practical exercises on writing and/or story boarding.
- How to cross a border? Animation and activism
To change the world through animated film is a very complicated task… but what we can really do is to make small and effective steps. We are going to discuss different possibilities of reaching the wider audience: workshops, collaboration with schools and curating of special animated programmers.
This is a free of charge seminar and all interested applicants to participate in this seminar should fill the form in this link .
The seminar will be held online via Zoom platform on 1st of July from 12:00 – 15:00
Deadline for application is 30th of June at 20:00. All other relevant information will be sent via email to the selected participants right after the closing deadline.
This activity is being organized from Anibar with the support of the Swedish Agency for International Development (SIDA), through its Human Rightivism Program implemented by the Community Development Fund (CDF).

Ana Nedeljković
was born in Belgrade in 1978. She graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She was awarded a PhD in art practice at the same faculty. She is a visual artist, director, animator and educator.
Her first film “Rabbitland” (directed by Ana Nedeljkovic, Nikola Majdak Jr, 2013) was awarded the Crystal Bear at the Berlinale. It has also received numerous other awards and has been shown at more than a hundred festivals worldwide. Her second film “Untravel” (directed by Ana Nedeljkovic, Nikola Majdak Jr, 2018) was also screened at numerous festivals including Berlinale, Annecy and Sundance, and nominated for the Annie Award. Currently, they are working on the next film “Money and Happiness”.