10 months ago

“Titina: A tale of friendship and exploration”

"Titina" is a captivating film that follows the remarkable tale of Italian airship engineer Umberto Nobile and his dog Titina.

The film is part of the feature film competition on the 14th edition of
Anibar, having been screened on July 20th.
Titina, is a beloved dog rescued from the streets of Rome by Umberto. From the moment Titina
accidentally meets Umberto, she becomes inseparable from him, and he takes her home,
making her a cherished presence in his life and work.
When renowned Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen contacts Umberto to build an airship for
an expedition to conquer the North Pole, the delightful Titina becomes an integral part of the
adventure. As Umberto designs the airship, Titina keeps him company in the studio, bringing joy
and comfort during the rigorous preparations.
With the airship ready, Umberto persuades Roald to allow Titina to accompany them on their
journey to the North Pole. The expedition is a triumph as they reach their destination, planting
the flags of their respective countries and celebrating their accomplishment.
However, tensions arise between Umberto and Roald during the journey to Alaska. An
argument leads to a disastrous crash, leaving Titina stranded on a drifting ice chunk. Uniquely, a
benevolent whale guides Titina back to land by breaking ice chunks for her to jump on, and she
eventually returns to the abandoned aircraft, finding no one.
Titina ends up on Roalds doorstep, and he considers cooking Titina. But his plan is foiled when
enraged Umberto intervenes and decides to no longer work with him. Roald takes credit for
being the first person on the North Pole and for protecting Titina in the news.
Seeking revenge, Umberto creates another aircraft, “Italia”, and leads a new expedition to the
North Pole. Unfortunately, the Italia also crashes. When news of the disaster reaches Roald, he
sets out to help with the rescue, but his fate remains unknown.
The film “Titina” is a compelling exploration of friendship, sacrifice, and the untamed spirit of
adventure. It delves into the extraordinary bond between a man and his dog and the trials that
challenge their dreams. As the story unfolds, the resilience and courage of both human and
animal protagonists inspire a profound appreciation for the power of companionship and the
wonders of exploration.
Through a captivating narrative, “Titina” immerses audiences in a tale of triumphs and tragedies,
reminding viewers of the profound connections that shape and define our lives.
There is one remaining feature film yet to be screened on July 21st and we invite you to come
check it out!
