4 years ago

Coloring Book and School Screening Program

Anibar has created the coloring book which contains illustrations of the characters of the 11th edition of the festival.

During these days, Anibar Organization has completed the initiative of distributing coloring books in 11 primary schools and 4 Non-Governmental Organizations of the Dukagjini Plain region, as well as in 4 schools of the Municipality of Prishtina.

In addition to visiting primary schools and education centers, part of the program is the screening of animated short films, with educational content and suitable for the lower cycle age groups.

This initiative, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), aims to promote human rights through the Human Rightsivism program.

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In this sense, Anibar has created the coloring book which contains illustrations of the characters of the 11th edition of this animation festival. We recall that this edition was dedicated to all who heal, teach, create, protect, engage, cleanse, write, sing, confess, serve, cook, help, care for, develop, comfort, support, and inform.

The illustrations provided for coloring were accompanied by encouraging expressions in Albanian and Serbian, as well as space where children can draw their own version of the same characters.


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With this initiative, 1400 copies were donated to all children, especially those in rural areas, to children from minority communities, and with different needs.

The best part of the school screening program was that you got to meet so many energetic, curious and loveable children. Each of them very unique and interesting.


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In the coming months, Anibar will have a regular children’s program at the “Jusuf Gërvalla” Cinema.

Meanwhile, the schools that were visited and will continue to be visited for regular animation screenings are:

• “Skender Çeku” (Qyshk)
• “Haxhi Zeka” (Zahaq)
• “Pema Center” (Peja)
• “Martyrs of the Nation” (Baran)
• “Handikos” (Peja)
• “Hands Full of Mercy” (Vitomerica)
• “Lidhja e Pejës” (Novosellë)
• “Anton Z. Çajupi” (Bardhosh)
• “Dimitrije Prica” (Bernica)
• “Ilirija” (Prishtina)
• “Hilmi Rakovica” (Pristina)
• “2 July” (Loxhë)
• “Center for Independent Living” (Peja)
• “Xhemail Kada” (Peja)
• “Ali Kelmendi” (Naberxhan)
• “Vaso Pashë Shkodrani” (Peja)
• “Ramiz Sadiku” (Peja)
• “Janko Jovicevic” (Gorazhdevc)
• “September 7” (Vitomerica)
