Education Activities

STORYWALKS 2nd Edition

Event Imgage

Age Group: 16+

Event Imgage
‘STORYWALKS2’ will be a collaborative 3-day workshop between LCC DPS animation students and young animators in Kosovo. This workshop is a dynamic, fun, and sociable one that combines spontaneous storytelling with character design, collage and performance, and augmented-reality (AR) animation. It is intended as a way of getting to know each other, introducing a location, and exploring our associative psychogeography.


Daniel Saul and Izzy Barszcz


Daniel Saul is a filmmaker whose work is rooted in painting and animation. He has also worked as a documentary filmmaker, exhibition curator, theater maker and leader of large-scale community arts projects. He currently teaches at the University of the Arts, London, as well as being co-founder and Director of R&D Studio Ltd.

Izzy Barszcz is London-based animation director, working on variety of projects ranging from Short Films, Video Projections, music videos, commercialsand educational content. She graduated from the National Film and Television School with the film “Many Faces of Ava”. She currently teaches at University of Art’s London.

To apply, please fill out the form at this link, by July 4!

