Virtual Tour: Posters of the Past!

We invite you to join our virtual exhibition and a journey of posters and visual materials of "Jusuf Gërvalla" Cinema through the years.
The 65 – years history of the first Cinema, currently the only cultural space in Peja, comes for the first time through 360 degree images. The colorful movie posters that once gathered many of you, your parents or grandparents have taken their rightful place at the Cinema that once screened these movies. We invite you to bring the past back to the memory of your loved ones, but also to the younger generations, what is part of our common history and cultural identity. The selected posters for this exhibition are just some of the posters that have been archived over the last few months at the Cinema.
The exhibition is conducted within the project “Promotion of cultural heritage in the region of Peja” implemented by Anibar within the framework of GrassRoots Action Support project, which is being implemented by IKS, Lens, and FES, financed by the European Union, and managed by The Office of European Union in Kosovo.”
This exhibition has been curated with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this exhibition are the sole responsibility of Anibar and do not reflect the views of the European Union or IKS, Lens and FES.
The exhibition is already open at the “Jusuf Gërvalla” Cinema, but due to the current conditions caused by the pandemic, it is being offered to all of you through the virtual version.
You can find the virtual tour in this link.