

Event Imgage

Two brothers entertain themselves with a joyous game of hide and seek while their parents cook dinner.


11 minutes


Two brothers entertain themselves with a joyous game of hide and seek while their parents cook dinner. As one boy counts, the other quickly hides in a small cabinet full of glasses, stubbornly determined to win. Seconds pass… then minutes… years… and decades. Every so often the boy peeks out of the sideboard. What he sees is strange and unfamiliar. With each glance, everything and everyone he once knew changes and fades, until he is left alone.

Director: Daniel Benjamin Gray

Writer: Daniel Benjamin Gray

Producer: Maral Mohammadian, Soyo Giaoui, Marrion Barré, Michael Fukushima, Bálint Farkas Gelley, Bella Szederkényi

