3 years ago

Open Call – Festival Coordinators

Anibar opens call for coordinators for the 13th edition of the festival

Coordinators are an important and vital part of Anibar Animation Festival, building a solid foundation for a more organized and cohesive work environment.

With that being said, we are very happy to announce that the open call for festival coordinators is officially open!

If you like working with a team of passionate people, love animation and Peja, and simply just want to be part of an unforgettable experience, then Anibar is the right place for you.

Departments and positions:

1.Education Programs Coordinators

2.Events Coordinator

3.Cinema Coordinators

4.Information Booth Coordinators

5.Volunteer Coordinator Assistant

6.Finance Coordinator Assistant

7.Guest Services Coordinator Assistant

*For a detailed description of each position click  here.

How to submit

To apply as a coordinator, submit a CV and a short motivation letter to info@anibar.com and identify the position you are applying for, with the Subject Title: Anibar Application for (department) Coordinator

Application deadline: June 23rd 2022. Applications that are sent after the deadline will not be considered.
