Access to All

Access to All
Online Talk
Thursday, August 20 2020
15:00 CET
Open for Public, Broadcasted live
Panelists: Rijad Mehmeti, Matilda Zizolli
Moderator: Dafina Zuna Hoxha
It is estimated that Legislation on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities compared to other legislation in Europe which is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, meets only 30% of what is required, starting from laws, policies, strategies, administrative instructions, and others. For Kosovo, which is estimated to number about 18 thousand people with special needs, this lack aggravates, even more, the already aggravated situation of this category.
Among other problems faced by these categories is the access, where it is estimated that the capacities in Kosovo with less than 7% manage to provide access, and this is undoubtedly an extremely low number.
The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic has extremely affected this category, making their functioning even more difficult. So far, the advancement of their conditions has been promised and more than promised, but very little has moved in their favor. In this panel, their needs will be reflected and discussed, ranging from inclusion in education, employment to infrastructure adaptation; access for all.
This pannel is being implemented with the support of Fridrich Ebert Stiftung – Prishtina Office, Kosovo We Want platform and SIDA through its Human Rightivism Program