
Susanne Jirkuff

Event Imgage

Susi Jirkuff, Vienna, is an artist working mainly with drawing, animation and installation.

Event Imgage

Her work has been exhibited internationally in shows like Populism’, CAC Vilnius, Stedelijk Amsterdam, Frankfurter Kunstverein, ‘Lebt und arbeitet in Wien’, Kunsthalle Wien, ‘Històries animades’, Barcelona, Bilbao, ‘Momentary Momentum’, Parasol Unit, London und Cambridge, ‘Playback’, Musèe des Arts Moderne, Paris, ‘Triennale 1.0.’, Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz, ‘Rainy Days’ im Medienturm Graz and ‘Wild Wood’, Secession, Wien.

Her videos are shown on film festivals worldwide, including Annecy, Animafest Zagreb, EMAF, Tricky Women, Diagonale, Crossing Europe and on TV-channels such as ARTE TV, TELEVISIÓN ESPAÑOLA, SWR or OKTO.

She had residencies in London, Los Angeles and at Taipei Artist Village, Taiwan, and was rewarded with Hilde Goldschmidt Preis 2006, the Staatsstipendium Bildende Kunst, 2007, the Margret Bilger Grant, UpperAustria 2012, the Gabriele Heidecker Preis, 2015 and the Outstanding Artist Award for Experimental Film, 2016 and an award of the state of Kärnten 2017.


