2 years ago

Anibar Animation Festival presents: Love | Dashni

Anibar Animation Festival proudly unveils its 14th edition theme

Get ready to embark on a captivating journey as Anibar Animation Festival proudly unveils its 14th edition theme: “Love | Dashni.”

From July 17th to July 23rd, 2023, we invite you to join us in Peja, Kosova, where love takes center stage and fills the air with its vibrant colors and heartfelt emotions.

In a world often consumed by chaos and division, we seek to remind ourselves and everyone that love knows no boundaries and as such, it cannot be defined!

But fear not, this is not a realm of clichés or saccharine sweetness. We delve into the many dimensions of love, shedding light on its complexities and unveiling its diverse manifestations. 

Throughout the seven days of the festival, our artistic program will immerse you in a kaleidoscope of animated wonders, and through this theme we will explore the transformative power of human connections.

Join us as we embrace the multifaceted nature of love, a force that transcends language and speaks to the core of our humanity. Let’s celebrate the myriad ways love influences our lives, ignites our souls, and inspires us to be better, both individually and as a society.

Save the dates and let love in!
